Monday, July 30, 2012



random chapter of [cloud] yes.

Alcea stood at the fountain.

The future and past… I never thought I would need to use this.

“Show me the future.” Alcea whispered to the stone girl.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hai guys

Ok. I'm only going to post goodish posts here so if you want to see my not-so-good posts go and find me at tumblr at-- :)
I'm posting this here because I need to remember how to write again since I can't write anything good so amuse yourself there, okay?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Yea... This is all I managed to do...

 Sorry if you were expecting a chapter, I just have 0 motivation to write, so here's what I did instead. :)
From a tiny story in my head I introduce to you- Eve.

 Just a quick sketch of what Alcea may have looked like as a kid (about 5 minutes)
 Just a drawing that was inspired by a weird song

From the same story as Eve (he is the kid behind her)- Ash

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Sorry for the lack of updates. But its summer and I'm lazy, though I will try to upload at least one chapter this week I wont make any promises.