Monday, April 30, 2012

Cloud [chapter 8 part 2]

Alcea frowned slightly, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m going to be very blunt with you, alright? Ok, I don’t know who you are or why I’m here. My best friend died seconds before you brought me here. Now you want to marry me as it was the most normal thing in the world. It isn’t. I want to know why I’ve been brought here, the truth about why you brought me here.” Light demanded.

 Alcea’s eyes softened, “Because you are amazing, Light.”

Light frowned.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thank you!

I was checking my blog like every other day and I saw that it has gotten 300 views! My face was like this->(*o*) when I saw that! Thank you everyone! It made me very happy to see that people were actually visiting this blog any reading the stuff I wrote (it makes me so happy that I could cry [T^T]). This means that I'll be having another interview with one of my characters! *Laughs* This means that I'll be kidnapping one of them for my- I mean... your amusement! So please keep waiting a little longer for the upcoming interview with.... Light and Nixa (who I raised back from the dead for now... [*_*])! <3 I love you all~

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cloud [chapter 8 part 1]

Light stood in front of the mirror in the room. She was wearing a light blue silk wedding gown with silver lace cuffs. She was also wearing a blood red ruby on a silver chain; a gift from Alcea.

Dina handed her a bouquet of pink roses. “Light, you look amazing.”

Light glared at her reflection, “I don’t care if I look ‘amazing’ or not, I am not getting married off to some stranger.”

Dina sighed, “I don’t think Alcea cares about what you want.”

Eran threw open the door and smiled brightly at Light, “Wedding time, miss demoness.”

Friday, April 20, 2012


Yea... I'm sure you've noticed that I haven't been posting much... but don't worry! I'm working on the next chapter right now so I'll probably have it finished and up here by Monday (two days from now). Just wait a little longer guys~

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cloud [Chapter 7]

I stood before Alcea’s fountain, waiting for the lecture which would question my sanity and loyalty. It would’ve most likely ended with a threat on my life and etcetera, as usual. He glared at me with a look that expressed his disgusted outrage perfectly. “Do you understand anything?”

I understand that I could rip your head off in less than three seconds, human.

“You tried to drown Light in soup. In soup!” He stood up and ranted on, “I should have you roasted with hellfire, you ungrateful-”

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cloud [Chapter 6]

Eren’s wrapped his long black scarf around his neck. Once for warmth, twice for luck. Luck, yeah… he’d probably need a lot of that.

He turned to his brother Eron to see that he was already staring at him. “What?”

Eron blinked and turned back to look at the bleak scene before them, “Nothing.”
