Friday, January 20, 2012

Pretty pics! :D

One of my past characters! His name was Sky.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cloud [chapt 2]

A snarl of frustration escaped me as I carried the unconscious, and remarkably heavy, girl away from the burning remains of the bus.

Drop her; drop her on something sharp, maybe she’ll wake up.

I glanced at the girl. She was pale and cover in cuts, and her left arm looked like raw hamburger meat with an extra serving of glass.

I wonder if she’ll bleed out and die before we get there… that’d be better than dealing with the deranged female when she wakes up.


Sorry for not posting anything!
:( Exams are next week so I have to study like a loon-a-tick!
I promised myself I'd post one every week 'A' but I didn't.

*Smacks self*

Bad Rini. Bad. No cookies for you.

Nooo! I wann ma cookies!! D:

=.= then post more or I eat yo cookies.

T.T ok. I will post! I promise I will!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cloud [part 1]

Light stared at her reflection in her closet mirror and sighed. Her brick red hair was a bird’s nest. Her light blue tee only helped to show the fact that she had a triple layer of bags underneath her pale green eyes. She sighed again and got ready for school, a man made soul sucker.

Cloud {prologue}

I looked around and smiled.

I was standing in a battlefield, bodied littered the ground. Blood had flowed until the whole town looked like it was built on an ocean of the stuff.

My smile just grew a tiny bit bigger as I thought about how the humans thought they were any different from any other animals on this planet when they were just so easy to kill.