Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cloud [chapt 2]

A snarl of frustration escaped me as I carried the unconscious, and remarkably heavy, girl away from the burning remains of the bus.

Drop her; drop her on something sharp, maybe she’ll wake up.

I glanced at the girl. She was pale and cover in cuts, and her left arm looked like raw hamburger meat with an extra serving of glass.

I wonder if she’ll bleed out and die before we get there… that’d be better than dealing with the deranged female when she wakes up.

I summoned the transfer fire and soon we were at Alcea’s door. A little spark of joy rose up within me as I imagined what his face might look like when he saw his ‘most beloved’ human’s arm resembling a miniature waterfall of blood. The thought was enough to put a smile on my face.

The fire did its job efficiently, for we were soon standing right in front of a horrified Alcea. As soon as his eyes went to the bloody form of the girl in my arms his gray eyes widened to the size of an average saucer and his jaws dropped. His waist length white hair made him look like a shocked limestone statue. It was a very amusing sight until his face turned thunderous after seeing me smiling like a lunatic at his shock.

“You...WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!” Alcea roared.

“I-.” My excuse was cut short by Alcea, as usual.

Alcea growled. “I ordered you to protect her from being harmed.” as his pupils began glowing red and his hair whipped about his face like a small snow storm from the murderous aura he was emitting.

I, being familiar with Alcea’s temper, realized that he was very upset that his female looked like raw hamburger meat with an extra serving of glass. That and if I didn’t have a good enough excuse to why she was bleeding to death in his living room I would be blown up from the inside out. But seeing I preferred to avoid a fait like poor little Zai’s, who aimed to become a captain of a demon army but only became a stain on Alcea’s rug, I begin racking my brain for any distractions that might keep me alive for a while longer.

“Now, Alcey, you know it wasn't my job to protect her. That was Nixian's job. I could've left her to die you know, I did you a favor by saving her even when I didn't need to.” I protested.

"So, you're saying that you watched my Light get hurt and didn't do anything about it 'till Nixian couldn't protect her?"

"Err, uh..."

"Where is Nixian anyways, she has a lot of explaining to do."

"About that, you see... she sort of..."


Oh, sure, I sort of killed your favorite demon pet, but hey, I did save your human.

"I didn't realize Nixian needed help to escape a burning bus?"

Alcea sighed. “Take her to the guest room and have her healed and be on your best behavior Eranos."

You're asking me to carry a pile of human remains that weighs as much as a baby elephant up thirty flights of stairs? That and be polite to it? Who do you think I am? One of your shades?

"Well, get to it before she bleeds to death. If she dies I will be holding you accountable for it." Alcea snapped.

"Yes, master."

1 comment:

  1. Hey know me, and I (OBVIOUSLY) know u...
    can u figure out who I am?
    I know what school you go to, ur schedule, when ur lunch period is, i know what skool u went to,most of ur teacher's names, ur name, and i cud probably find out where u live too;)
    if u figure out who I am,tell me at skool...dont u dare write my name on the internet!!!
    P.S. luv ur work anna!!!
