Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New character

Hey guys! I hope you've all been well for the past few days. ^v^
I decided that I really, really want a new character (male/ female). But my brain won't cooperate with me, so can you help me? What I want is for one of you to tell me what the character's name is and how she/ he looks (you can also add extra information if you'd like). I'm going to use the first three characters that are given to me (unless I feel that your character isn't one that I can understand well enough to write about). So PLEASE help me on this (a new character will motivate me to write each chapter quicker as well!) and leave a comment below with the character profile(s)! If you're feeling a little shy you can send it to me by e-mail at: amarinilove@gmail.com

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Chapter 5 [Cloud]

Light had expected Eran to be the one who was on the other side of the door. But the white haired and red eyed girl carrying the tray of food was definitely not Eran.

The girl smiled at her, revealing two extremely long canines. “Hello, Light, my name is Dina it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Light eyed the girl cautiously, “Where’s Eran?”

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Inside the past

My strings have been cut,
Your door has been shut,
You said goodnight,
You meant goodbye.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cloud [chapt 4]

I stormed into Alcea’s flowery garden. His plans for her were supposed to remain a secret until he had gained her trust and, with a bit of hypnoses, love. The girl had been more frustrating than I expected.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Let me go

Let me fly away,
Through the starry sky.
Let me run,
Swiftly through life.

Friday, March 9, 2012

I'm sorry~

I'm sorry I haven't been writing anything over the week! There were too many tests to study for.... But now that it is the march break I'll be able to write to my heart's content! Please keep a eye (or two) out for new chapters!