Monday, July 30, 2012



random chapter of [cloud] yes.

Alcea stood at the fountain.

The future and past… I never thought I would need to use this.

“Show me the future.” Alcea whispered to the stone girl.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hai guys

Ok. I'm only going to post goodish posts here so if you want to see my not-so-good posts go and find me at tumblr at-- :)
I'm posting this here because I need to remember how to write again since I can't write anything good so amuse yourself there, okay?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Yea... This is all I managed to do...

 Sorry if you were expecting a chapter, I just have 0 motivation to write, so here's what I did instead. :)
From a tiny story in my head I introduce to you- Eve.

 Just a quick sketch of what Alcea may have looked like as a kid (about 5 minutes)
 Just a drawing that was inspired by a weird song

From the same story as Eve (he is the kid behind her)- Ash

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Sorry for the lack of updates. But its summer and I'm lazy, though I will try to upload at least one chapter this week I wont make any promises.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cloud [chapter 12 edited2]


The white-haired magician studied Lsil.

"What is this?" The magician's voice rumbled throughout the room.

The red-eyed demon answered, "The cocoon. Who else would it be?"

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Ok, I was uploading the new version of chapter 12 and when I did on my computer it came up really weird. Like, with a white highlight in some places and black and grey words in the others. My question is if it is like that on your computer(s) as well? If it is or not please tell me~~~~~ I'll make a poll on it so you won't have to personally comment :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

C'mon people!!!!!!

SEND THEM TO  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Cloud [chapter 8 (condensed into one chapter)]

Light stood in front of the mirror in the room. She was wearing a light blue silk wedding gown with silver lace cuffs. She was also wearing a blood red ruby on a silver chain; a gift from Alcea.

Dina handed her a bouquet of pink roses. “Light, you look amazing.”

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cloud [chapter11]

Alcea was pacing around the fountain. “How could you not know where she is?”

He had been raging on about the girl the entire day, while I’d been sitting at the foot of the fountain and listening to him yammering on and on about how angry he was.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


What is this???????? I got 400 page views???????? O.O Ok. IT'S OFFICIAL. I LOVE YOU ALL. *sends flying kisses to everyone* You will all see a interview soon with me and.... NIXA!!!!!!!!!

Ps. Please don't forget the little character request I've sent out okay? O.O I'M STILL WAITING FOR THEM. DON'T BE SHY, I WON'T EAT YOU. maybe

Monday, May 21, 2012

Cloud [chapter 10]

“Ooh, She’s awake,” a soft voice giggled, “wait, that’s cliché isn’t it. Ok… Look at her forehead! It’s gigantic!”

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cloud [Chapter 9]

Light blinked as a salty gust of wind hit her face.


Light sucked in a breath as her eyes widened; in front of her stood Nixa.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Cloud [chapter 8 part 2]

Alcea frowned slightly, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m going to be very blunt with you, alright? Ok, I don’t know who you are or why I’m here. My best friend died seconds before you brought me here. Now you want to marry me as it was the most normal thing in the world. It isn’t. I want to know why I’ve been brought here, the truth about why you brought me here.” Light demanded.

 Alcea’s eyes softened, “Because you are amazing, Light.”

Light frowned.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thank you!

I was checking my blog like every other day and I saw that it has gotten 300 views! My face was like this->(*o*) when I saw that! Thank you everyone! It made me very happy to see that people were actually visiting this blog any reading the stuff I wrote (it makes me so happy that I could cry [T^T]). This means that I'll be having another interview with one of my characters! *Laughs* This means that I'll be kidnapping one of them for my- I mean... your amusement! So please keep waiting a little longer for the upcoming interview with.... Light and Nixa (who I raised back from the dead for now... [*_*])! <3 I love you all~

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cloud [chapter 8 part 1]

Light stood in front of the mirror in the room. She was wearing a light blue silk wedding gown with silver lace cuffs. She was also wearing a blood red ruby on a silver chain; a gift from Alcea.

Dina handed her a bouquet of pink roses. “Light, you look amazing.”

Light glared at her reflection, “I don’t care if I look ‘amazing’ or not, I am not getting married off to some stranger.”

Dina sighed, “I don’t think Alcea cares about what you want.”

Eran threw open the door and smiled brightly at Light, “Wedding time, miss demoness.”

Friday, April 20, 2012


Yea... I'm sure you've noticed that I haven't been posting much... but don't worry! I'm working on the next chapter right now so I'll probably have it finished and up here by Monday (two days from now). Just wait a little longer guys~

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cloud [Chapter 7]

I stood before Alcea’s fountain, waiting for the lecture which would question my sanity and loyalty. It would’ve most likely ended with a threat on my life and etcetera, as usual. He glared at me with a look that expressed his disgusted outrage perfectly. “Do you understand anything?”

I understand that I could rip your head off in less than three seconds, human.

“You tried to drown Light in soup. In soup!” He stood up and ranted on, “I should have you roasted with hellfire, you ungrateful-”

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Cloud [Chapter 6]

Eren’s wrapped his long black scarf around his neck. Once for warmth, twice for luck. Luck, yeah… he’d probably need a lot of that.

He turned to his brother Eron to see that he was already staring at him. “What?”

Eron blinked and turned back to look at the bleak scene before them, “Nothing.”


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New character

Hey guys! I hope you've all been well for the past few days. ^v^
I decided that I really, really want a new character (male/ female). But my brain won't cooperate with me, so can you help me? What I want is for one of you to tell me what the character's name is and how she/ he looks (you can also add extra information if you'd like). I'm going to use the first three characters that are given to me (unless I feel that your character isn't one that I can understand well enough to write about). So PLEASE help me on this (a new character will motivate me to write each chapter quicker as well!) and leave a comment below with the character profile(s)! If you're feeling a little shy you can send it to me by e-mail at:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Chapter 5 [Cloud]

Light had expected Eran to be the one who was on the other side of the door. But the white haired and red eyed girl carrying the tray of food was definitely not Eran.

The girl smiled at her, revealing two extremely long canines. “Hello, Light, my name is Dina it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Light eyed the girl cautiously, “Where’s Eran?”

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Inside the past

My strings have been cut,
Your door has been shut,
You said goodnight,
You meant goodbye.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cloud [chapt 4]

I stormed into Alcea’s flowery garden. His plans for her were supposed to remain a secret until he had gained her trust and, with a bit of hypnoses, love. The girl had been more frustrating than I expected.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Let me go

Let me fly away,
Through the starry sky.
Let me run,
Swiftly through life.

Friday, March 9, 2012

I'm sorry~

I'm sorry I haven't been writing anything over the week! There were too many tests to study for.... But now that it is the march break I'll be able to write to my heart's content! Please keep a eye (or two) out for new chapters!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cloud [chapt 3]

When the boy-monster walked into the room Light was already up and angry. She was holding a chair leg in her left hand and in the other was a lava lamp.

Light stated in a growling voice, “You. You brought me here.”

He surveyed the room Light had trashed with his black eyes and frowned. “And you shredded the curtains with… your nails? How lurid. Do you have titillomania?”

Friday, January 20, 2012

Pretty pics! :D

One of my past characters! His name was Sky.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cloud [chapt 2]

A snarl of frustration escaped me as I carried the unconscious, and remarkably heavy, girl away from the burning remains of the bus.

Drop her; drop her on something sharp, maybe she’ll wake up.

I glanced at the girl. She was pale and cover in cuts, and her left arm looked like raw hamburger meat with an extra serving of glass.

I wonder if she’ll bleed out and die before we get there… that’d be better than dealing with the deranged female when she wakes up.


Sorry for not posting anything!
:( Exams are next week so I have to study like a loon-a-tick!
I promised myself I'd post one every week 'A' but I didn't.

*Smacks self*

Bad Rini. Bad. No cookies for you.

Nooo! I wann ma cookies!! D:

=.= then post more or I eat yo cookies.

T.T ok. I will post! I promise I will!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cloud [part 1]

Light stared at her reflection in her closet mirror and sighed. Her brick red hair was a bird’s nest. Her light blue tee only helped to show the fact that she had a triple layer of bags underneath her pale green eyes. She sighed again and got ready for school, a man made soul sucker.

Cloud {prologue}

I looked around and smiled.

I was standing in a battlefield, bodied littered the ground. Blood had flowed until the whole town looked like it was built on an ocean of the stuff.

My smile just grew a tiny bit bigger as I thought about how the humans thought they were any different from any other animals on this planet when they were just so easy to kill.